Content updated 2019-03-13

Minor Field Studies (MFS)

There is a new Minor Field Studies scholarship being introduced in Sweden for fall 2024 and spring 2025.

The new programme is limited and only a small number of scholarships may be allocated to the participating universities.

Jönköping University has now got an approved application and received grants for 5 MFS scholarships to apply for. See Eligibility for who is eligible to apply.

As a student at JU, it is not possible to apply via another university in Sweden.


Information about MFS

The MFS programme offers students the opportunity to engage in global issues during their studies, in order to develop intercultural competence and broaden their knowledge within their field of study with an international perspective. In addition students develop an international network that can lead to further collaboration in low - or middle- income countries.


Minor Field Studies (MFS) is a scholarship programme for Swedish Bachelor and Masters students at Swedish universities and university colleges with an international interest. Within the MFS framework, the receiver of the MFS scholarship should collect data in a developing country for at least 8 weeks (56 days) for her or his Bachelor or Masters thesis.

The focus of the study should be on issues related to:

  • The global development goals
  • The seven thematic priorities for aid decided by the Swedish government.

News 2024-09-23

5 scholarships available for spring 2025

For questions, contact International Office MFS coordinator.