Terms of employment
The terms of employment are regulated in a collective agreement, in Sweden referred to as “kollektivavtal”.
As an employee at any of the schools/companies within Jönköping University, you are covered by the central collective agreements ”Villkorsavtalen” from the Swedish Agency for Government Employers (our central employer’s organization). In addition, Jönköping University has serveral “local additional collective agrements”. The collective agreements, in full-text, are available in Swedish, but there is also a short summary in English.
Kompletterande kollektivavtal Jönköping University Pdf, 5.4 MB. (in Swedish)
Villkorsavtal (in Swedish) - Saco-S External link, opens in new window., OFR/S,P,O
External link, opens in new window.
English shortfacts on collective agreements at JU Pdf, 153.9 kB. (in English)
Avtal om tidsbegränsad anställning av doktorander vid vissa statliga myndigheter Pdf, 591 kB, opens in new window. (in Swedish)