This course has been co-produced with patient and public contributors, students and health professionals to provide an applied, experiential learning experience. Students successfully completing the module not only leave with a certificate, they also leave with a co-produced tool to guide them in future.
This flexible, online distance course is an introductory course to co-production and welcomes those completely new to the topic as well as those who are experienced in co-producing health and welfare.
The course is held twice a year in April/spring (100%, 5 weeks) and August/autumn (25%, 20 weeks). The course is held entirely online with opportunities for independent study and interactive workshops.
Participants will be trained in theory and applied skills for co-production. The aim is to introduce the topic, experience the process of co-production, learn transferable skills and co-produce resources to be applied in health and welfare.
We welcome participants from multiple perspectives (patient, health professional, researcher) and invite students to apply their learning in practice and reflect upon the experience. The aim is that the learning journey on this course and associated assignments will be able to be applied directly into the participants own context.
Through the course's online learning platform, you will be able to access pre-recorded lectures, the latest research, discussion forums and have access to live meetings with patient and public contributors. Participants will have the opportunity to learn by doing and through reflective practice.
The course includes the following elements:
Reflective skills
Power dynamics
Values & Principles of co-production
Transferable skills for co-production
Exploration of mechanisms and processes for successful co-production
Opportunities for active engagement with patient and public contributors
Efter utbildningen
Participants of the course with a passing grade will receive university credits and a course
Student projects
- Deputy Associate Dean of Education
- School of Health and Welfare
- annica.herentz-brobakken@ju.se