Henrik Linderoth

Professor ICT-BIM in building


My research is in the intersection between business administration and informatics. The overall theme in my research is change processes, supported or enabled by information and communication technology (ICT). A special interest is the interaction between intentions and ideas behind technical systems, and the context where the technology is intended to be used. This implies that my research to a large extent has been focused to analyze organizations and industries in order to understand, and to some degree predict what will happen when new technologies or innovation are introduced into an organization or industry.



1992 I received a degree in energy engineering, and in 1993 a bachelor degree in business administration at university of Umeå. Year 2000 I received my PhD-degree at Umeå School of business and economics. The PhD-thesis described how the process of an encompassing and integrated use of ICT can be understood, by studying the introduction of telemedicine in the county of Västerbotten. During 2001-2004 did I work at Copenhagen business school and in 2004 I returned to my position as senior lecture at Umeå School of business and economics. In 2009 I moved to University of Skövde for a position as senior lecture in management accounting. In 2011 I was promoted to reader in business administration and 2013 I was promoted to associate professor in business administration. January 1.st 2014 I was appointed as as professor in construction informatics at school of engineering, university of Jönköping.



Trask, C., Linderoth, H. (2023). Digital technologies in construction: A systematic mapping review of evidence for improved occupational health and safety. More information
Jacobsson, M., Linderoth, H. (2021). Newly graduated students' role as ambassadors for digitalisation in construction firms Construction Management and Economics, 39(9), 759-772. More information
Isaksson, A., Linderoth, H. (2018). Environmental considerations in the Swedish building and construction industry: the role of costs, institutional setting, and information Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 33(4), 615-632. More information
Linderoth, H. (2017). From visions to practice – The role of sensemaking, institutional logic and pragmatic practice Construction Management and Economics, 35(6), 324-337. More information
Bosch-Sijtsema, P., Isaksson, A., Lennartsson, M., Linderoth, H. (2017). Barriers and facilitators for BIM use among Swedish medium-sized contractors: We wait until someone tells us to use it Visualization in Engineering, 5(3), 1-12. More information
Jacobsson, M., Linderoth, H., Rowlinson, S. (2017). The role of industry: an analytical framework to understand ICT transformation within the AEC industry Construction Management and Economics, 35(10), 611-626. More information
Elbanna, A., Linderoth, H. (2015). The formation of technology mental models: the case of voluntary use of technology in organizational setting Information Systems Frontiers, 17(1), 95-108. More information
Jacobsson, M., Linderoth, H. (2012). User perceptions of ICT impacts in Swedish construction companies: ‘it’s fine, just as it is’ Construction Management and Economics, 30(5), 339-357. More information
Linderoth, H. (2010). Understanding adoption and use of BIM as the creation of actor networks Automation in Construction, 19(1), 66-72. More information
Jacobsson, M., Linderoth, H. (2010). The influence of contextual elements, actors' frames of reference, and technology on the adoption and use of ICT in construction projects: a Swedish case study Construction Management and Economics, 28(1), 13-23. More information
Andersson, A., Linderoth, H. (2008). Learn not to learn: A way of keeping budgets and deadlines in ERP projects? Enterprise Information Systems, 2(1), 77-95. More information
Linderoth, H., Pellegrino, G. (2005). Frames and inscriptions: tracing a way to understand IT-dependent change projects International Journal of Project Management, 23(5), 415-420. More information
Linderoth, H. (2002). Managing telemedicine: from noble ideas to action Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare, 8(3), 143-150. More information
Linderoth, H. (2002). Fiery spirits and supporting programs of action: keys to exploration and exploitation of open technologies International Journal of Healthcare Technology and Management, 4(3/4), 319-332. More information

Doctoral thesis

Linderoth, H. (2000). Från vision till integration: infusion av telemedicin : en översättningsprocess (Doctoral thesis, Umeå: Umeå universitet). More information

Book chapter

Håkansson, O., Jacobsson, M., Linderoth, H., Moscati, A., Samuelsson, O. (2021). Challenges in measuring performance of collaborative R&D projects. In: G. Fernandes, L. Dooley, D. O'Sullivan & A. Rolstadas (Ed.), Managing collaborative R&D projects: Leveraging open innovation knowledge-flows for co-creation (pp. 317 -329). More information
Jacobsson, M., Linde, A., Linderoth, H. (2010). The relation between ICT and environmental management practice in a construction company. In: Anette Hallin, Tina Karrbom Gustavsson (Ed.), Organizational Communication and Sustainable Development: ICTs for Mobility (pp. 170 -188). Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference More information
Linderoth, H. (2008). When management accounting becomes project management and vice versa: A study of a project based company. In: Monika Łada, Alina Kozarkiewicz (Ed.), Rachunkowość w otoczeniu nowych technologii (pp. 125 -138). Warszawa: Wydawnictwo C. H. Beck More information
Linde, A., Linderoth, H. (2006). An actor network theory perspective on IT-projects. In: Damian Hodgson, Svetlana Cicmil (Ed.), Making projects critical (pp. 155 -170). New York: Palgrave Macmillan More information

Conference paper

Jacobsson, M., Linderoth, H. (2024). A technological niche perspective on the dissemination of results from strategic innovation programs. The 15th IRNOP Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, June 11-14, 2024. More information
Jacobsson, M., Linderoth, H. (2024). Looking inwards to move forward: On how ‘to do things differently’ in Construction Management research. 40th Annual ARCOM Conference, 2-4 September 2024, London, UK. More information
Jacobsson, M., Linderoth, H. (2024). Navigating digital ambidexterity: Insights from and inter-organisational hotel project. 40th Annual ARCOM Conference, 2-4 September 2024, London, UK. More information
Jacobsson, M., Linderoth, H. (2023). The challenges of trying something new: On (in)congruence and (in)consistency of technological frames in a Swedish railway infrastructure case. the 39th ARCOM Conference, Leeds, UK, 4-6 September 2023. More information
Jacobsson, M., Linderoth, H. (2022). Towards improved dissemination of results from strategic innovation programmes: the case of ‘smart built environment’. World Building Conference 2022, Melbourne, Australia, 27-30 June 2022. More information
Jacobsson, M., Linderoth, H. (2022). Why strategic innovation programs struggle with dissemination of results: The case of Smart Built Environment. the 38th ARCOM Conference: Build back wiser, Glasgow, Scotland, September 5-7, 2022. More information
Linderoth, H., Jacobsson, M. (2022). Transformation from the inside: The role or pockets of change for digitally driven development. 38th Annual Conference and General Meeting, Glasgow, Scotland, 5th - 7th September 2022. More information
Linderoth, H., Håkansson, O., Moscati, A. (2021). Unpacking the Black Box of Digitalization: Challenges when Implementing Governmental Initiatives. 37th Annual ARCOM Conference, 6-7 September 2021, UK, Association of Researchers in Construction Management. More information
Håkansson, O., Jacobsson, M., Linderoth, H. (2021). The Role of Key Actors in the Emergence of a Strategic Innovation Programme: A Translation Process Perspective. 37th Annual ARCOM Conference, 6-7 September 2021, UK, Association of Researchers in Construction Management. More information
Linderoth, H., Peansupap, V., Wong, J. (2020). Determinants for students perceived potential of BIM use. The 8th International Conference on Construction Engineering and Project Management, December 7-8, 2020, Hong Kong SAR. More information
Lennartsson, M., Yitmen, I., Movaffaghi, H., Linderoth, H. (2020). Framework for Digital Development in Industrialized Housebuilding. Amsterdam: IOS Press, 9th Swedish Production Symposium (SPS2020), 7-8 October 2020, Jönköping, Sweden. More information
Jacobsson, M., Linderoth, H. (2020). Towards digital transformation in construction firms: Tapping the potential of new graduates. 36th ARCOM Conference, Online, 7-8 September 2020. More information
Jacobsson, M., Linderoth, H. (2019). From Tools to Theories: Four Approaches to Construction IT Research. 35th Annual ARCOM Conference, Leeds, UK, 2-4 September, 2019. More information
Lennartsson, M., Movaffaghi, H., Linderoth, H. (2018). Exploration of the BIM Development and Application: Identifying Key Areas for the Industrialized House-Building Sector. 17th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, ICCCBE2018, Tampere, Finland, June 5-7, 2018.. More information
Linderoth, H., Jacobsson, M., Elbanna, A. (2018). Barriers for digital transformation: The role of industry. ACIS2018, 29th Australasian Conference on Information Systems, UTS, Sydney, Australia, 3rd-5th December, 2018. More information
Linderoth, H., Isaksson, A., Bosch-Sijtsema, P. (2017). The perceived usefulness of BIM – The mediating role of practice. 3rd International Conference on Civil and Building Engineering Informatics (ICCBEI 2017), Taipei, 19-21 April, 2017.. More information
Linderoth, H., Isaksson, A. (2016). What is the “Potential” of new ICT and how are Perceptions Shaped by Experience of Use and Practice?: The Case of Building Information Modelling. The 27th Australasian Conference on Information Systems, Wollongong, 5th-7th December, 2016.. More information
Linderoth, H., Elbanna, A. (2016). Understanding the creation of ICT-value in the building and construction industry. 32nd Annual ARCOM Conference. More information
Isaksson, A., Linderoth, H., Bosch, P., Lennartsson, M. (2016). BIM use in the production process among medium sized contractors: A survey of Swedish medium sized contractors. 16th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, ICCCBE2016, Osaka, July 6-8, 2016.. More information
Linderoth, H. (2015). When Big Visions Meet The Pragmatic practice: Follow The Institutional Logicor Personal Benefits?. 31st Annual ARCOM Conference, 7-9 September 2015, Lincoln, UK. More information
De Goey, H., Engström, D., Lennartsson, M., Linderoth, H. (2015). Design Thinking as Facilitator for Sustainable Innovation: Exploring Opportunities at SMEs in the Swedish Wood Products Industry. Towards Sustainable Product Design: 20th International Conference, Epsom, Surrey, UK, 9-10th November 2015. More information
Linderoth, H. (2014). The Role of Technological Frames of Reference and Institutional Logics in the use of ICT. Auckland: The Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS), ACIS 2014 - 25th Australasian Conference on Information Systems, Auckland, NZ, 8th - 10th December, 2014. More information
Linderoth, H., Johansson, P., Granath, K. (2014). The role of bim in preventing design errors. 30th Annual ARCOM Conference, 1-3 September 2014, Portsmouth, UK. More information
Elbanna, A., Linderoth, H. (2013). Tracing Success in the Voluntary Use of Open Technology in Organisational Setting. IFIP WG 8.6 International Working Conference on Transfer and Diffusion of IT, TDIT 2013, Bangalore, India, June 27-29, 2013. More information
Linderoth, H. (2011). Are costs the major obstacle for taking environmental considerations: A study of Swedish building and construction companies. International Conference on Business and Information (BAI), 4th to 6th July 2011, Bangkok, Thailand. More information
Linderoth, H., Jacobsson, M., Rowlinson, S. (2011). Taking industry seriously in ICT research: The case of building and construction industry. International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), 4-7 december 2011, Shanghai. More information
Jacobsson, M., Linderoth, H. (2010). User perceptions of ICT in a major Swedish building and construction company. CIB W78, Cairo, Egypt 16‐18 November, 2010.. More information
Linderoth, H., Isaksson, A., Linde, A. (2009). Potentials for Environmental Management Accounting In an "Ordinary" Company: A Study of a Building and Construction Company. Proceedings of the 1st annual conference World Accounting Frontiers Series (WAFS). More information
Linderoth, H. (2009). Use of Accounting Information in A Multi-Project Organization - The Role of Temporality and Permanency. Proceedings of the International Management Accounting Conference 5. More information
Linde, A., Linderoth, H. (2008). Who has the power over spaces of innovation?: The role of technology in ICT-triggered change processes. IFIP TC8 WG 8.6 International Working Conference October 22–24, 2008, Madrid, Spain. More information
Linderoth, H., Jacobsson, M. (2008). Understanding adoption and use of ICT in construction projects through the lens of context, actors and technology. CIB W78 2008 International Conference on Information Technology in Construction, Santiago, Chile. More information
Linderoth, H. (2007). Make technology invisible, or keep it visible?: The role of technology in transfer and integration of outcomes from ICT-mediated change projects. IFIP TC 8 WG 8.6 International Working Conference, June 14–16, Manchester, UK. More information
Linderoth, H. (2007). Make technology invisible, or keep it visible?: The role of intra-organizational transfer and integration of project outcomes. Boston: Springer, IFIP TC8 WG 8.6 International Working Conference, June 14-16, 2007, Manchester, UK. More information


Jacobsson, M., Linderoth, H. (2022). Resultatspridningens dilemma: Om paradoxen att säkerställa spridning av resultat och åstadkomma omfattande branschtransformation: Slutrapport från det strategiska projektet ”Kunskapsspridningens premisser”. Stockholm: Smart Built Environment More information
Bengtson, P., Harrie, L., Lázaro Morales, C., Linderoth, H., Neidenström, A., Norberg, H. (2021). Ramverk Nationell Standardiseringsstrategi: Digital samhällsbyggnadsinformation. Stockholm: Smart Built Environment More information
Bengtson, P., Harrie, L., Lázaro Morales, C., Linderoth, H., Neidenström, A., Norberg, H. (2021). Arbetsrapport Nationell Standardiseringsstrategi: Om processarbetet i projektet Nationell standardiseringsstrategi för digital samhällsbyggnadsinformation. Stockholm: Smart Built Environment More information
Bengtson, P., Harrie, L., Lázaro Morales, C., Linderoth, H., Neidenström, A., Norberg, H. (2021). Standardiseringsstrategi, period 2021–2023: Framtagen inom projektet Nationell Standardiseringsstrategi för digital samhällsbyggnadsinformation. Stockholm: Smart Built Environment More information
Jacobsson, M., Linder, L., Linderoth, H. (2020). Transformering från insidan - Betydelsen av förändringsfickor för en ökad digitalisering: Slutrapport: Transformering från insidan: betydelsen av förändringsfickor för ökad digitalisering. Stockholm: Smart Built Environment More information
Jacobsson, M., Linderoth, H. (2018). ”Att leda kon till vattnet”: Slutrapport: Att gå från ord till handling: Nyutexaminerades potential för att stödja digitaliseringsdriven innovation i byggbranschen. Stockholm: Smart Built Environment More information
Jacobsson, M., Linderoth, H. (2018). Hungriga vargflockar jagar bäst: Slutrapport: Hinder och drivkrafter för en digitaliseringsdriven branschutveckling. Stockholm: Smart Built Environment More information
Bosch, P., Isaksson, A., Lennartsson, M., Linderoth, H. (2016). Hinder och drivkrafter för BIM i medelstora entreprenadföretag. SBUF-rapport 13069. More information