Centre for Family Entrepreneurship and Ownership (CeFEO)
CeFEO is an internationally oriented research and learning centre, that combines academic excellence and practical relevance, in the fields of family business, family entrepreneurship, and ownership.

Founded in 2005, with more than 55 researchers firmly based in Jönköping and a network of 30 affiliated members, the Centre has a strong international position and impact and plays an important role on the frontier of family business research and education.
CeFEO is actively engaged in research, education, and outreach initiatives. The Centre conducts academic research, commissioned projects, and develops practitioner-oriented materials. Moreover, CeFEO contributes to JIBS's educational offer by supporting and organizing Family Business and Ownership courses at the Bachelor's, Master's, Doctoral, and Executive levels and can provide seminars and training courses catering to practitioners across Sweden. CeFEO is an integrated part of JIBS and contributes actively to the school's three focus areas: Entrepreneurship, Ownership, and Renewal. We follow the guiding principles of being international at heart, entrepreneurial in mind, and responsible in action.
The leading idea of CeFEO and its activities is to combine academic excellence and practical relevance. We have an ambition to be a natural partner for both international researchers and family firm owners/managers, as well as for advisors and other actors interested in family enterprising and ownership. We host visiting family business scholars and doctoral students. We provide doctoral education and organize international workshops and conferences attracting leading scholars in the field.