The Swedish Academic System

The Academic Year
The academic year is divided into two semesters. The spring semester starts in mid-January and ends at the beginning of June. The autumn semester starts at the end of August and ends in mid-January with a short break at the end of December. Jönköping International Business School also offers summer programmes.
In the Swedish system, one academic year of full-time studies is equivalent to 60 higher education credits. 1.5 Swedish credits is equal to 1.5 ECTS credits.
Teaching Methods
Education at Swedish universities is based on the principle that students take responsibility for their studies with support from the teaching faculty. Teaching takes different forms: lectures, seminars, group work, laboratory work, independent study etc. Students are expected to purchase the course literature.
Different forms of examination are used. A common method is the written or oral examination which includes the presentation of a paper. Group papers are normally discussed during seminars towards the end of a course. A written examination takes place at the end of each course.
More information
For extensive information about the Swedish Academic System, please visit