With a stunning view of Lake Vättern this newly built student house, offers you the rare opportunity of living in your own apartment .

If you are looking for your own apartment including a small kitchenette and bathroom this is the place to be. Some apartments it´s also for sharing, if you prefer to stay with friends. These modular units will lodge approximately 350 students. The food shop is located only a stone's throw away and both the large mall and the city center can be easily reached using the public transportation system. There are also excellent biking trails taking you to the city center.

The house is also within walking distance from Jönköping's only ski slope.

Accommodation details

Number of students


Monthly rent

5500 SEK

A deposit of 10 000 SEK is also paid together with the payment for the  first rent.

Apartment size


Distance from university



Kitchenette in the apartment

Stovetop, fridge. Basic cutlery included. Shelves and cupboards where the students can store their food.

Laundry facilities

Communal laundry room with washing machines and dryers


Bathroom in the apartment

Common area


What's included?


Not included

Bed (90x210cm), duvet, pillow

A one time charge of 450 SEK is added on the first rent in most accommodation for the provision of a duvet and a pillow.

Bed sheet, towels


Cleaning service

Access to kitchen and laundry room

Meals (Except for Pathway students)

Electricity, water and internet connection

Basic kitchen equipment in some accommodations

Images of Ekhagen

Student dorm room with bed, desk and bookshelfZoom image
Student dorm room with bed, desk and bookshelfZoom image
Small kitchenZoom image
Grey houseZoom image
Common area with sofa Zoom image
Laundry room with several laundry machines Zoom image

Please note that kitchen equipment may vary.

See a walkthrough of the accomodation from students.
