Lifelong learning and a sustainable working life
A sustainable working life is based on taking social responsibility where issues of equality, gender equality and inclusion are included as a natural part of the workplace. Digitalization has raised questions about lifelong learning and learning throughout working life as well as learning between the generations that meet in workplaces. Guidance, interaction, mentorship and motivation become central to realizing the ideals expressed in the policy for lifelong learning.
Ongoing projects:
- Age@work – Building Capacity for Age Management in Human Resources
External link, opens in new window.
- Agility, regelstyrd management, policy och strukturellt slaveri
- Dokumentanalys av forskningsartiklar och avhandlingar om fritidshem
- Digitalisering, lärande och generationer
- Digitalization and the changing lives of learners across generations
- Exploring the triadic relationship between career, guidance and learning
- Grundlärares och fritidsledares (sam)arbete i fritidshem
- Intercultural competence at higher education Institutions
- Kompetenssäkrad individ
- Leadership Development Systems
- Managing millennials at work, which is the experience of international companies and what does research has to say?
- Mumpreneurs in the intersection of gender, business and the Swedish welfare state
- Practices of Everyday Ableism in Academia
- Religiously Based Discrimination: Coping Strategies and Effects on Swedish Muslims
- The idea of human giftedness: Reclaiming science and reason from ideology and self-serving bias
- Theorising ableism in academia
- The role of non governmental organizations in immigrant integration
- To work in a knowledge intense organization when the physical attendance becomes impossible
- Welfare@home – Challenges with welfare technology for older social service recipients and their home care service staff
- Women's entrepreneurship – for rural viability?
Finished projects
- Ability climates in Europe
- Accountable talent: under and overachievement as investible human capital
- A gender perspective on entrepreneurship and growth
- Collaboration zones - On research leaders' views of collaboration
- Cultural variation and dominance in a globalised knowledge economy
- Destined to lead the world? On Great Leaders, Fashionable Nonsense, and The Origins and Possible Future of Leadership
- Ett hållbart arbetsliv
- High ability and dreams of innovation and prosperity in the emerging global knowledge economy
- Human resource management
- I Spegellandet: Konsten att förstå människans evolutionära natur, de begåvades identitet och den sociala dynamik som binder de två tillsammans
- KLOSS - Knowledge Exchange and Learning About Strategic Collaboration
- On competing gifted and talanted olympians
- Strategic Mentorship for Inclusion, Learning and Equality
- Talent for the knowledge economy? A case study of Russia and the search for key people for economic growth
- The construction and use of gender in support practices for women entrepreneurs
- The management and mismanagement of academic staff worldwide