Courses Spring 2024


Course coordinator


start 202311

Light Metal (FTLME33)

Course Syllabus Pdf, 114.7 kB.

Course schedule

Anders Jarfors


start 7/3

Systematic Searches and Scholarly Publishing (FTSVP33)

Course Syllabus Pdf, 114.5 kB.

Course schedule Pdf, 106.8 kB.

Paola V Nilsson


w 17 - w 23

Corrosion and Surface Protection (FTKYT37)
Kursplan Pdf, 114.6 kB.
Kurs PM Pdf, 271 kB.

Caterina Zanella


start 17/4

Practice Oriented Research Methodology (FTPFM31)

Course Syllabus Pdf, 810 kB.

Course schedule Pdf, 980.5 kB.

Jenny Bäckstrand


Spring 24

Computer Systems for Automated Engineering Design (FTDAK35)
Course Syllabus Pdf, 115.5 kB.

Course schedule

Roland Stolt7,5

Courses Fall 2024


Course coordinator


Aug 20 - Jan 15

P05 Trend Spotting - How to Identify the Future Gaps (FTPO531)

Course Syllabus Pdf, 114.5 kB.

Course schedule

Lars Eriksson7,5

Nov 7 - Dec 12

Systematic Searches and Scholarly Publishing (FTSVP33)

Course Syllabus Pdf, 114.5 kB.

Course schedule Pdf, 97 kB.

Paola V Nilsson3

Sep 13 - Feb 4

Industrial Product Realisation (FTIPF35)

Course Syllabus Pdf, 115.2 kB.

Course Schedule Pdf, 101.4 kB.

Kerstin Johansen5

Application for credit transfer

If you are a doctoral student at the Research School Industrial Product Realisation, and want to include a course taken at other HEI in your doctoral education, please fill out the form below and send it to the Research Coordinator.

Application for credit transfer in third-cycle education Word, 37.2 kB.

Further information

For further information, contact the course coordinator for the respective course, or alternatively the research coordinator.