You have separate passwords to your JU account and eduroam account. Most of the information below concerns the password for your JU account.
A strong password contains at least 10 characters, and can consist of the following characters:
- A-Z
- a-z
- 0-9
- Special characters: ! @ # $ % & ( * ) + - [ \ ] ^ _ ` { / } ~ ' ", .
Your password must contain at least one upper-case letter, one lower-case letter, one number and may advantageously contain special characters.
NOTE! The password to eduroam must be exactly 7 characters instead of 8 characters.
Change your passwords (user account and eduroam account) on Self service user account External link, opens in new window..
NOTE! The Password for a JU-Computer is updated when the computer is connected to the schools network.
If your password has expired, or if you have forgotten it, you can create a new password for your user account here.