"Studying at JU is like opening a door to a world of possibilities"

23-year-old Klaudia Kluch studies New Media Design (NMD) at the School of Engineering at Jönköping University. She comes from Poland and moved to Sweden around three years ago. Klaudia started as an international exchange student at Karlstad University and soon realized that Sweden was her new home and decided to stay here, this time as a regular programme student. That's how Klaudia started her second bachelor's degree.

Why did you choose to study in Jönköping?

I fell for Jönköping thanks to its wonderful international atmosphere and unique connection to the academia, as well as it being a safe city to live in. I really wanted to find a university that offered lots of opportunities, but at the same time was far from the noise of big city life. Jönköping seemed to offer the perfect balance. JU in particular stood out with its equally international atmosphere and exciting connections to Science Park and industry, which is not so common in other Swedish cities. In addition, it was relatively easy to find a job outside of my studies here, which was important to me from a financial point of view. The fantastic natural surroundings, the high standard of living at an affordable price and the possibility of guaranteed accommodation for international students was also attractive.

What do you think is the best thing about studying at Jönköping University?

Honestly, it's so hard to choose! Jönköping University has really exceeded my expectations. The studies have a perfect mix of practice and theory. In addition, as a student, you get to work on real projects together with experts in the field. Some courses are also held by experts from various companies from the region or Science Park, giving us invaluable insights into the industry and preparing us for a national or international career. And guess what? JU's flexibility, with exchange opportunities and internships allows me to follow my interests and specialize. Even though I chose not to go on exchange, JU offers lots of great courses, so I'm really excited for next semester and when I can immerse myself in subjects that I'm really passionate about. Oh, and let’s not forget the student life – it's a lot more fun and welcoming than I expected!

What do you think is the most unique thing about JU compared to other universities?

I think that what puts Jönköping University on the map is the outstanding degree programme in web development and graphic design. Not only is it one of the best in Sweden, but it also ranks highly internationally within Europe, making it a real gem in the world of higher education. It is really fantastic that in Jönköping you have the chance to influence and improve student life and the education programmes. Our opinions are always taken very seriously and are greatly appreciated, which really helps to raise the standard of education every year and keeps JU in constant development. Also, compared to the larger universities in the biggest cities around Sweden, the opportunities for professional development are just as good as both before and after graduation. For me, studying at JU is like opening a door to a world of possibilities. So if you value an international atmosphere but prefer smaller cities closer to nature, then Jönköping is definitely a place to consider.
