Digital marketing and social media at this year's Communications Day JKPG
The annual Communications Day JKPG took place last week on Wednesday 7 December. Just over 150 participants from the field of communications came along to the event where they got to take part in three interesting lectures and a lot of networking.
Every year, students from the Media and Communication Science (MKV) programme at the School of Education and Communication (HLK) at Jönköping University organize the Communications Day JKPG. This year, the event was held on site after being given in a digital format during the pandemic years. The event’s project group consisted of nine students. They explained how organizing a large event like this has its challenges:
“The planning has been a challenge because it has included everything from marketing, fixing sponsors to inviting companies and speakers. However, we can give ourselves a pat on the back as we have been incredibly ambitious. But nothing has been difficult, so to speak, only challenging,”, says Linn from the project group.
The purpose of Communications Day is to provide a meeting place for various actors in the field of communications, to help companies and organizations recruit MKV students for internships and project work, and to bring the industry, research and MKV education together.
"The day went incredibly well - we are very pleased and grateful!"
The students in the project group, Linn Johansson, Julia Österholm, Molly Voxhed, Filippa Palmén, Malin Jansson, Sofia Christansen, Thea Bellman, Wera Axelsson and Joanna Wood de Garcia are satisfied with how the day turned out.
“One of the best things for us as project managers has been meeting with all the interesting and nice people - hearing their commitment and interest in our event has been incredibly fun. In addition to that, it was great for all of us to see everything fall into place and that swe had succeeded in building the event we originally visualized,”, says Julia and Molly.
In addition to students and other participants getting to network in the ‘mingle square’ where companies and organizations had set themselves up, they also got to listen to three interesting and instructive lectures.
First up was Anders Nyström with his lecture "Stick out in the crowd". Anders, who is CEO of the agency Daybright, talked about several strategies for reaching out with digital marketing. He gave tips on how to turn ‘likes’ into money.

The three lecturers, from the left in picture: Anders Nyström, Anitha Clemence and Jens Sjöberg.
Jens Sjöberg, PhD student at HLK then took over with his lecture "Police on social media". Jens, whose research focuses on digital media, the police, safety, trust, participant processes and Critical Making, talked about how the police today work with social media, risks and benefits and gave tips about communicating or giving information via social media as a public authority.
Keynote speaker – Anitha Clemence
"This is how you succeed with social media" was the title of Anitha Clemence's lecture. She is a trained marketing communicator and was an early adopter of podcasts and social media. Today she runs two major podcasts and has a successful career in the advertising and television industry. Her lecture gave valuable tips on how to succeed on social and digital media, which, according to her, is more important than having a good website or blog.

The ‘mingle square’ where companies and organizations could network with students.