What a jubilee!
The library concludes a very successful jubilee, celebrating its 25th anniversary. During the week, there were daily activities connected to the library’s operations.
The library at Jönköping University is the pride and joy of all JU staff. A building with industrial history that now houses “one of Sweden’s most beautiful libraries” according to Anna Ekström, Minister for Education.

Mattias Lorentzi, Library Director
"It was a very successful jubilee week! Our planning group had put together a good and varied programme, and it was fun to see our JMW-hall being used for different kinds of arrangements," says Mattias Lorentzi, Library Director.
During the jubilee week, there were daily lunch activities, such as lectures, exhibitions and music. The arrangements were well-attended by students, coworkers and locals from Jönköping.

Writer Frida Moisto in a conversation with the library's Ylva Albertsson
"We who work at the library are really happy about our workplace and our newly renovated facilities. It is nice to walk through the library and see that the students, after the pandemic and a rather messy renovation period, have returned and that all study spaces are being used. It has been really fun to arrange this week and to raise awareness for the facilities and all we can contribute with here," says Frida Welander, Project Leader for the opening ceremony and jubilee week.

The foundry as it was before becoming a library
The activities:
Monday 19 September
Opening ceremony
Tuesday 20 September
Frida Moisto, writer, has made Jönköping famous for detective stories. She met the library's Ylva Albertsson for a conversation about the art of writing.
Wednesday 21 September
Charlotta Mellander, professor in economics at JIBS, held a lecture on the urbanization of Sweden. More people are moving out from Stockholm than in. Despite that, the urbanization trend is holding on strongly.
Ulf Johansson, professor in data technology at JTH, held a lecture about AI yesterday, today and tomorrow.
Thursday 22 September
Carl-Johan Svensson, assistant professor in history and at HLK, has written a book about Andrée's test flights before his polar expedition. During the lecture, we got to follow Andrée's (emergency)landing around Sweden, and see the marks his visits left behind.
Friday 23 September
The jubilee concluded with a jazz concert performed by year 3 students at Per Brahe-gymnasiet's music programme.