Agreements signed; Eksjö, Oskarshamn and Värnamo to provide preschool teacher training
It has been a long process, but 13 February the vision became a reality when agreements were signed that allow Eksjö, Oskarshamn and Värnamo municipalities to provide preschool teacher training with the School of Education and Communication at Jönköping University, as education coordinator.

Agreement signing at a distance.
A shortage of preschool teachers almost nationwide, including in Eksjö, Oskarshamn and Värnamo, have led to a long period of discussion between the School of Education and Communication and these three municipalities on what a collaboration to ensure quality education could look like. The municipalities are aware of interest among their residents to train as preschool teacher, but different life situations can make the commute to Jönköping problematic. The solution will be to provide local preschool teacher training education with the School of Education and Communication as education coordinator.
Several aspects of this localized preschool teacher training are quite unique. All three classes will have a mentor, the students will be guaranteed internships in their own municipalities, who, together with the School of Education and Communication, will each hire a PhD that is connected to the education.
“Being able to connect a PhD with the education means that we both further deepen our collaboration but, above all, in the long term, we create better opportunities for training centres that have a scientific foundation out in the municipalities,” says Jesper Boesen, External Relations Manager at the School of Education and Communication.
The students in the three municipalities will sit in the respective training centres and be just as involved as the students in Jönköping. With the help of the latest in digital learning, they will have the same opportunity to interact with the teacher and fellow classmates as those studying on campus in Jönköping. The lectures will be held at the School of Education and Communication and streamed to the respective training centres in the three municipalities.
25 students will be admitted to each program, starting this autumn.
“The localized preschool teacher training is proof that the collaboration between the School of Education and Communication and the rest of society works and this is important. Now, those who have difficulty commuting to Jönköping will have the opportunity to study at a higher level, which is a huge gain,” says Marie Öhman, CEO and academic leader at the School of Education and Communication.
For more information, contact Jesper Boesen, External Relations Manager at the School of Education and Communication;
Phone: 036 - 10 15 30