Triple wins for JIBS
At the RENT XXXI conference held in Lund on 16-17 November, three researchers from Jönköping International Business School were recognized.

PhD candidate Samuel Kamugisha received the J.M. Veciana Best Paper Award for a Junior Researcher with his paper titled “Understanding new firm survival in developing economies”.
PhD candidate Thomas Cyron received The Best Doctoral Proposal Award with the title “Towards a practice-based theory of firm growth: A dissertation exploring how the process of firm growth unfolds in practice”.
Karin Hellerstedt, Associate Professor in Business Administration, received one of three Best Reviewer Awards.
All three researchers are active at JIBS Centre for Family Enterprise and Ownership (CeFEO) and Thomas Cyron is also active at Media Management and Transformation Center (MMTC).
The Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business (RENT) Conference is the most important European conference in Entrepreneurship. It was first organized in Brussels 1987, and has since then taken place yearly all over Europe.
More about RENT and ECSB External link, opens in new window.