Lighting design student on prestigious list

Lighting Magazine has named Tina Wikström, current student at School of Engineering, one of the most talented and promising individuals working in the lighting design industry.
Every year, Lighting Magazine in association with the global lighting brand Osram name 40 young promising individuals within lightning design. The 20 men and 20 women on the list “40under40” were selected from over 250 applicants from 16 different countries.
Tina Wikström is currently studying her last semester of Bachelor in Lighting Design at School of Engineering and is pleased to get her name on the list.
- “This is both extremely fun and unexpected, I have to admit I feel very honored to have a place on this list among Lightning designers I know and look up to. It’s a nice confirmation that I’m on the right track with my education”, says Tina Wikström.
The designers on the list will receive their trophies at the Lighting Design Awards ceremony on Thursday 4 May at the London Hilton Park Lane.