Mats Jägstam appointed acting President of Jönköping University
The Board of Jönköping University has decided to appoint Mats Jägstam Acting President during the time when the recruitment process of new President is in progress.

The recruitment process of President for Jönköping University will be in progress during this spring and a new President will not be in place when the current President Anita Hansbo’s employment expires on 1 July. The Board estimates that a new president could be in place in the autumn of 2017.
To ensure continuity in the management, the Board of Jönköping University has decided to appoint Mats Jägstam Acting President from 1 April and until a new president is in place. At the same time, Anita Hansbo will end her term as President and will move on and work with education and research at the University.
"Anita Hansbo took office in 2009 and on behalf of the Board I would like to thank her for the positive results for the university during the years. As President, she has led the university through important development and Jönköping University is now well positioned for new challenges", said Chairperson Monica Dahlbom.
Mats Jägstam has been Vice President since October 2016 and was previously Dean and Managing Director of the School of Engineering at Jönköping University.
"Mats Jägstam knows the organisation well and by appointing him acting President we secure stability for long-term work in accordance with the University's strategies", says Monica Dahlbom.