We warmly invite you to join us for the TRAIN Annual Symposium in Jönköping on April 24-25!
Venue: Grand Hotel Jönköping and Gamla Rådhuset
Organisers: MKV, HLK Jönköping University
Contact: Annette Hill (annette.hill@ju.se) and Renira Gambarato (Renira.gambarato@ju.se)
Programme (preliminary)
24 April 2025
09:00 - 11:30 TRAIN Contemporary Debates
- Course presentations by students at Grand Hotel
- Chairs: Andre Jansson, Karlstad University and Bo Reimer, Malmö University
11:30 Registration Gamla Rådhuset
12:00 - 13:00 Lunch Gamla Rådhuset
13:00 Keynote Panel: Critical Currents in Media and Communications
- Kristina Riegert (Södertörn University) ‘Reporting on Gaza’
- Michal Krzyzanowski (Uppsala University) ‘Discursive Shifts and Normalisation of Illiberalism and Neoliberalism’
- Georgia Aitaki (Karlstad University) ‘Repackaging the Past in Popular Culture’
- Paola Sartaretto (Jönköping University) ‘Commons or Commodities: communication in a burning world’
14:00 Doctoral Presentations
Parallel Sessions Gamla Rådhuset and Grand Hotel
15:30 Coffee Gamla Rådhuset
16:00 Roundtable – Eco Media Footprinting
- Chairs: Göran Bolin (Södertörn University), Otto Hedenmo (Jönköping University), and Annette Hill (Jönköping University)
Check in Grand Hotel Jönköping
17: 00 TRAIN organization meeting (for members) Gamla Rådhuset
18:00 Walking tour of lakeside Jönköping (everyone welcome)
19:00 Dinner Gamla Rådhuset
25 April 2025
09:00: Doctoral Presentations
- Parallel Sessions Gamla Rådhuset and Grand Hotel
10:30 Coffee, Gamla Rådhuset
11:00 Roundtable and Reflections TRAIN Forward
- Chair: Annette Hill, everyone welcome
12: 00 Lunch Gamla Rådhuset
TRAIN ends.
Booking and Cost
There are three types of costs, see below. Pick your choice and then book your place for TRAIN by emailing this contact for room and food booking: info@grandhoteljonkoping.se.
Book by March 21st to secure your hotel room, quoting 95790 in your email.
- SEK 3200 (inc VAT), including all meals and accommodation in single room
- SEK 2850 (inc VAT), including all meals and accommodation in shared double/twin room (name of the sharing person must be included in the application)
- SEK 2075 (inc VAT), including all meals – No accommodation
Important Dates
Book your hotel room and place at TRAIN by March 21 2025.
Email Annette and Renira with the final list of participants from your department by April 10 2025.
Send in doctoral drafts by April 10 2025.
Doctoral Presentations
As part of the TRAIN charter there is a yearly symposium where both PhD students and senior researchers in Media and Communication Studies discuss and present current research. PhD student presentations are prioritized, but senior researchers are able to present research if there is space in the programme.
Also, as part of the TRAIN charter participants who do not present papers are expected to function as discussants. Paper presentations have often been combined with a panel debate, dealing with relevant topics. If the number of presenting participants is large, parallel sessions are arranged.
For TRAIN 2025 symposium there will be student and senior researcher presentations, including parallel sessions.
Those students presenting work from their thesis may consider the following:
- Send in a draft of doctoral work (article, chapter, or outline) in advance of the TRAIN symposium via the registration form. Your draft may be approximately 7-10 pages, or around 4-5000 words. Please provide context to your thesis (aims, objectives, research questions) when submitting your draft article, chapter or outline. Submit your working text by April 10 in a word document, with a clear title and your name in the file title.
- There will be allocation of student and senior researcher discussants for each doctoral work. Allocation of discussants will be distributed to everyone by April 14 and materials can be accessed via this website.
- For the student seminars at TRAIN, prepare with a 10 minute presentation of your thesis work. Discussants can prepare for 5-10 minutes each in slots of approximately 30 mins per student (depending on the number of student presentations).
Meeting room at Gamla Rådhuset, with large tv screen, whiteboard and flip chart.
Can be furnished for up to 30 persons on 3 separate large tables.
Breakout room: Meeting room on entrance level at Grand Hotel, with large tv screen, whiteboard and flip chart seating up to 25 persons on 5 separate smaller tables
Food and drink
Meals day 1
- Lunch salad, bread, 1 main course, water and coffee
- Afternoon fika cake/sweetbun, fruit, tea and coffee
- Dinner 3 course dinner
Meals day 2
- Breakfast included for overnight guests
- Morning fika sweetbun, tea and coffee
- Lunch salad, bread, 1 main course, water and coffee