Higher educucation is increasing, but matching decreasing

A new report from research institute Ratio shows that while education in Sweden is increasing, matching is decreasing.

The report, which has been developed within the research project "Skills for Growth", was presented at a seminar in Almedalen on 1 July. Authors of the study are JIBS researchers Johan Eklund, Associate Professor of Economics, Lars Pettersson, PhD in Economics and Peter Karlsson, PhD in statistics.

The report shows that there is a regional surplus of highly educated people. It also indicates that there will be a future shortage of professional skills and practical experience. The matching between education providers and industry demand is poor.

“ We are experiencing a paradox. Growth is assumed to be driven by knowledge, but in this case, the level of education is increasing, but the matching deteriorates ,” said Johan Eklund in a press release from Ratio.

Ratio web page
