JIBS researcher participates in conference on globalization

Professor Leona Achtenhagen will talk at Swedish Entrepreneurship Forum's conference on 21 March. Her subject is small businesses, competence and internationalization.

Swedish Entrepreneurship Forum's Globalisation Forum organises an all-day conference on 21 March, on the primary challenges of globalisation from a Swedish perspective.

All writers who have contributed to Globalization Forum's report series will be at the conference, and other interesting people will give their contribution to the discussion around these important issues. During the day these topics, among others, will be covered:

  • H ow does Sweden prevail in an increasing global competition and how are we positioning ourselves in a global economy?
  • How well prepared are our small Swedish companies for internationalization ?
  • What role does big businesses play for Sweden's competitiveness and dynamism?
  • What opportunities does Sweden have as an exporting country and what are the Swedish companies' primary challenges and opportunities from a globalization perspective?

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