JIBS listed among top business schools

Jönköping International Business School is listed in the top 25 business schools for family business education and research by Family Capital.

On 3 September, the American magazine Family Capital published a list of 25 business schools that were top schools for business education and research. One of the schools were JIBS, which was described as the leading research center in family business study in Scandinavia. JIBS was the only Swedish university on the list and other schools that could be find there were Harvard Business School and London Business School.

Family Capital also named a star professor of each school. At JIBS, it was the director of the Center for Family Enterprise and Ownership (CeFEO), Mattias Nordqvist, who got the title.

“It’s really great to be rewarded for the work we do. This is proof that our hard work and ambitious vision has paid off, especially for the researchers and teachers that work in CeFEO. I believe and hope that even more students, entrepreneurs and other stakeholders will come to us for the latest knowledge about family business education.”

The complete list can be found here.
