1st EIASM Workshop on Family Firm Management Research
Jönköping, Sweden – June 9-11, 2005
Family firms Management
Leif Melin and Annika Hall
CeFEO, Jönköping International Business School, Sweden
Jean-Luc Arregle and Philippe Very
EDHEC Business School, France
Keynote Speakers
David Whetten
Marriott School of Management, Brigham University
Call for papers
Just as an illustration topics addressed in this workshop are:
- What theoretical perspectives may help us understand the uniqueness of the family controlled firm?
- What happens oven generations in family firms? How is succession of ownership and leadership managed?
- What characterizes well-performing family firms that survive over generations?
- What characterizes the interactions between family members in strategizing processes?
- Are strategizing practices different in family firms?
- Which aspects (structures, processes etc.) distinguish between family firms performing differently?
- What are the possible advantages and disadvantages of the family business as a specific form of governing?
- To what extent is the family firm and extension of the family, and what are the implications? Does tradition cause greater reluctance towards strategic change in family firms or does it rather provide some specific competitive advantage?
Read more here.