MMTC Thesis Award Winners 2024

The Media, Management and Transformation Centre is proud to announce the winners of the 2024 MMTC Thesis Award.

The Thesis were chosen based on the value of the research question, the anchoring in relevant literature, the rigour of the empirical study, the trustworthiness of analysis, and the novelty of insights.

Larissa Blau and Ruben Kimmig

Thesis title: "What’s in the Alphabet Soup? Disentangling Top Management Team Roles Related to Digital Transformation

Lisa Klofsten

Thesis title: Listening to Artificial Creativity. Exploring the motivations for content creators to engage with GAI in the podcast industry and its influence on creativity

Debora Ebinger & Moa Gunnarsson

Thesis title: Due diligence in Supply Chain Management: How can SMEs in the GGVV-region enhance their responsibility?

 We also wish to acknowledge several excellent submissions which were on the final shortlist and received an Honourable Mention.

  • Andrea (Mishell) Proaño Solís and Kirsten Behne

Thesis title: From Linear to Circular Supply Chains: Exploring Secondary Raw Materials Integration in Metal Industries

  • Ellen Gustafsson & Maja Östlund

Thesis title: Managing Data-Driven Decision-Making: Managerial Practices: A Qualitative
Multiple Case Study about Managerial Practices when Utilizing Data-Driven Decisions

  • Angelos Peros and Svea Widuckel

Thesis title: Decrypting Organic Misconceptions

  • Tim Greiner and Simon Hund

Thesis title: GenAI: The Startup Intern with Infinite Ingenuity—Exploring GenAI’s Contribution to the Venture Creation Process in the German Software Industry
